The Study Leave Act (1974:981) provides employees with the opportunity to take time off for education. The act is discretionary, which means that other laws take precedence. Study leave can also be regulated in collective agreements as long as they do not restrict the employee's right to leave.
As an employee in public or private service, you have the right to take time off for studies if you have been employed by your employer or the group for the past six months or at least twelve months in the past two years. However, education that is essentially for or related to union activities can be started even if the length of employment has not been reached. The education can be full-time or part-time, and there is no specific limit to how long the education can be. However, the employer has the right to postpone the start of the leave for up to six months or longer with an agreement with the union.
As an employee, you have the right to request a court review if you have not been able to start your leave within two years after the request was made, or after one year if the leave corresponds to a maximum of one workweek.
Employees have the right to take time off for studies when they have been employed by you for the past six months or at least twelve months in the past two years. The education can be full-time or part-time, and there is no specific limit to how long the education can be. However, as an employer, you have the right to postpone the start of the education for up to six months. In that case, you must inform the employee and, if applicable, the union about the postponement and the reasons for it.
If you, as an employer, want to postpone the start of the education for more than six months, consent with the union is required, if applicable. If the leave corresponds to a maximum of one workweek, consent is required already for a postponement of more than two weeks. However, the employee has the right to request a court review if the leave has not started within two years, or after one year if the leave corresponds to a maximum of one workweek.