The obligation to negotiate, as stated in Sections 11-14 of the Act (1976:580) on Co-determination in the Workplace (MBL), means that employee organizations have influence in matters and issues decided by the employer.
Section 11 MBL regulates negotiations with employee organizations that have a collective agreement with the employer. The paragraph stipulates that employers must initiate negotiations with the employee organizations that have a collective agreement before making decisions on significant changes in the operations or essential changes in employment conditions for employees belonging to the organization.
Section 13 MBL concerns negotiations with organizations without a collective agreement with the employer. The employer has an obligation to negotiate with the employee organizations without a collective agreement. This obligation exists even before the employer makes a decision that affects the employment relationship or conditions for a member of an organization with which the employer does not have a collective agreement.
Section 14 MBL deals with negotiations that, according to Section 11 MBL, conclude without reaching an agreement. In such cases, the employee organization can request negotiations at the central level. In this regard, the employer must negotiate the issue again with the central employee organization. The employer cannot make a decision in the specific case until the central negotiation has been conducted and concluded.